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Putting all your eggs into one basket in a salty world: how does salinity affect sea slug reproduction?
Hallucinogens can change the structure of neurons

Davis life: warm weather and a long day in the lab, ….
Grad Slam results
Even Pamela Jennings, Director of Graduate Studies at the UC Office of the President (shown with Microbiology doctoral candidate and EEGAP alumna Allie Igwe), attended and cheered on the finalists. Audience members learned about topics that included oral health, earthquakes, marsh cordgrass restoration, variability in heart cells, and reconstruction of a Neanderthal pelvis, and the contestants all demonstrated superb skills in communicating research results.
In the words of Graduate Dean Prasant Mohapatra, “We’re incredibly proud of each and every one that participated in this year’s competition. Grad Slam is one of the highlights of our year – a rare opportunity to celebrate the work and talents of some of UC Davis’ brightest graduate students.”
Angel Rogers update

Professors for the Future, 2018-2019, including….
Professors for the Future, UC Davis’ year-long competitive fellowship program, helps graduate student leaders to develop and share their skills with peers. Check back soon for an update on Mayowa’s project.
We’re on “Team Mayowa”…
Are you?
Mayowa describes her path and her reaction to making it to the Grad Slam Finals. It’s not too late to reserve a ticket!
Reflections by Chancellor May and his mom
Gary S. May is UC Davis’ first African American chancellor and his mom, Gloria May, was one of nine African American students who integrated the University of Missouri in 1950.
“How I got from there to here”